Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cleaning House

Photo Source here

spaghetti sauce dried on the counter, sink full of dirty dishes, laundry so high,
the seen mess is one thing
us moms know this mess...daily.  It is like controlled chaos
it is the unseen that eats me away
and the closets : crammed..shut the door - hurry
the basement..closing my eyes to much to think about now
the garage
It's the unseen things that are the silent killer

The picture is grotesque beyond imaginable but our locked up rooms can often FEEL much like this room.  Sadly, the woman who lived there died...in that mess.  Makes me really sad.  We too can die in our mess..die to life, to dreams, to our purpose.  I don't know about you but I don't want that to be me


come on out in the open cause you are
goin bye bye

Mama is cleaning HOUSE
 and you are 
Beginning January 5, 2011 

The House of Belonging is kicking off the New Year with a guest post from
Jen @ Finding Heaven.  Jen is one heart we all love and is a giver and receiver of God's love and I am grateful to be a part of her

 So here is the scoop:

1.  A heart house has many rooms..start with an easy one
One room: any room you want to 
and answer these two questions { from Beth Moore's Breaking Free }
these may or may not help to get you started:)

1.  the specific area of captivity you face/ed
2.  the specific ways and lengths of time God employed to set you free

every Wednesday we can link up and share a room that has held us captive and/or an area in the past that has held us captive...kept us stuck - and HOW we overcame it.  What happened and  how it came about.  I don't know about you but when I hear a story that hooks my own story I want to know more about how he/she got there and how they got out.  

I would also love to offer you a time to guest post...like Jen:)

The story can be about any room of your choosing 
here are some examples

habits..smoking, drinking, shopping
thinking patterns that keep you stuck { not good enough, worthless }
perfectionism, performance
unhealthy relationships
raising children
your faith

I am starting us off tomorrow with a BIG room of mine.  I haven't been this excited to deep clean a room in a long time.  I think because I have friends to be alongside as I sweat.  Cleaning can be physically challenging you know;)

2.  I pray that our Word-Women Wednesday's become a place where rooms are deep cleaned and organized.  You and others can move freely in and out of these once "full to the brim with junk" rooms.  A place for HEROES to to be forged.  I need a hero with skin and bones.  I long to see life worked out, battles fought and won by real women who have been there done that!  What about you?  Are you one?  Do you know one?

  Everyone is welcome.  Bringing friends is fine.  We will do our best to make it a safe and non judgemental place to be.

I have fallin in love with Ann Voscamp's word-women picture
see below the word - woman prayer 

we are word women.. brokenness wrapped in flesh..in need of bread..our story passed around looking for HANDS that heal..ultimately that is whats needed to lead others to the ONLY hands that heal.  

The goal not being to change anyone but by throwing our stories as life-lines to others will create a safe place for the one who can and does change...to do so.    We all long to live free... we ALL have a VALUE to fulfill here on earth. to enjoy the life and dreams God has for us and to lead others to freedom. 

3.  Fierce prayer will be much welcomed.  Often these stuck areas are....well...stubborn.  Prayer is the grease that will often lubricate extractions

4.  The linky will be open Wednesday at 12:01 am until Wednesday 11:59 pm  
{ central time }
Please link up you permalink to the blog post your wanting to share.  
If you kindly would put The House's button ( I will have ready by then )in your post that would be just awesome. 
It really does help us find each other.  That is how I found Jen and I am growing to love our Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood time on Tuesdays.  I know she and the girls would love for you to visit them too:)

Last but not least by any means

If you don't have a blog and just want to share your story/ies please know you are always welcome to leave a comment or email me.  See below for address.  
Some of us are shy and may not feel comfortable doing something like this that is so public.  We understand.  Please know you are not alone and we would LOVE to walk beside you:)

Calling all Word-Women
come and link up on 

Wednesday January 5 
for our Word-women series
The House of Belonging

will you take my hand and let's put them into the HAND that heals--together
and our trust in a love that doesn't run

photo source here



You are a holy wonder, you are-
May I say this about you?  You are brave.
you are liked and you are loved
and praise to our God who dreamed you up
and ensured that you were perfectly and wonderfully made
my compliments to your Maker!
You are beautiful and you belong
and thank you Lord for these women
for such a time as this!

God of the Word, we ask you-
Give us a Word
Your daughters are hungry

In the name of the Word wrapped in flesh,
the God-Man made bread, broken, and passed around....
In Jesus name...Amen.

The lines of our stories become literal life-lines
that we throw to each other when the storms come and beat hard on our lives.
You have been a life line to me
Humbly grateful

I cut and pasted some of Ann's words that moved my heart to give to my dear friend for Christmas.
They seemed to sum up much.  Grateful for Ann's yielded journey while on earth to be used to the fullest
...even brokenness wrapped in flesh made perfect in His hands

until tomorrow friends.....

Joining here today...come on over


Between You and Me said...

loved every inch of this post.
would love to do a guest post for you....
gotta lot to share about the "cleaning out" that God has done in my soul.

Unknown said...

oh. I am so excited. Well, I guess a little nervous, too, but it seems whenever He readies me to write, the words come, the spirit shakes, the release explodes. I love to organize, so this thought of cleaning out and reorganizing my heart touches me to the core.

It's Grace said...

So many points stuck out for me in your post today, but this "We too can die in our mess" stuck out the most. My thought, as a result? I don't want to die today in the mess that I AM.

Your Wednesday's sound so wonderful. Not sure if I'll join in just yet, due to time restraints, but I'll sure be back to read. Thank you for doing this, can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Wow Tiffini...what an amazing idea. I am going to pray about joining in... this sounds powerful! Love how you conveyed this idea....beautiful.

stephanie said...

How cool is this! I did Beth Moore's Breaking Free this time last year as a Bible Study, and it was a phenomenal journey. And as you can see from my blog today, one that continues! I am so excited and look forward to this!!! Love and Blessings! Stephanie

Michelle said...

This looks great and so poignant. I have to admit that I can't join, but I'll be lurking. :)

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

This is fabulous, I can't wait to see you in 2011!

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your encouragement-stories and prayers mean much...always feel free to email me @ tiffkilgore@live.com

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