and HERE
or sometimes HERE
NOW our change is growing HERE
This weekend one of our Scavenger Hunt projects was to FIND a place to put our change for Love Grows Here Foster Home
Since our budget is small we
went downstairs-found a glass jar we had { originally from the Dollar Tree }
I cut out a bird, glittered the edges, wrote the foster home name on it
THE most special part though-- was the silver ribbon...why?
now it's tied around this
so as to remind
so as to remind
prayers are circling around this simple jar
silver ribbon has special meaning to me...i'm praying
God's moving
silver ribbon has special meaning to me...i'm praying
God's moving
"sometimes you feel different from other people
and sometimes you feel like .. you feel different from everybody else
because they were probably born from their mom...sometimes you don't feel like you were born from a mom...
you feel like you were just born"
Grace age 9
China's Lost Girls-National Geographic with Lisa Leng
I think at some level I engaged the words of this little girl
I don't think we have to be adopted to feel like we were just born..
we all want to belong...and we all ultimately do...
but there is an unrest until we find it
What IDEAS could you do with a change jar to change a life/lives around you?
:::for more click below:::
The Design Girl Blog { didn't know she designed New Day's Blog as well! }
My Adoption Website { this is not MY adoption site }
147 Million Orphans
Lifestream Blog
My heart is open for any ideas - blogs - anything
There is a story behind the future maybe:)
Joining Jen and all my sisters here today will you come?
this makes my day today.
thanks for being part of changing someone's cent at a time...every penny counts.
thanks for living matters to God and to those around you.
Tiffini, little Grace's words touch my heart..big time. Such profound words for a 9 year old.
I love the idea of the jar, and the bird you made and decorated so lovely, too. I have a heart for single mothers and for kids. I don't know exactly what I'd do with the change, but certainly something to bless them.
Wishing you a merry Christmas.
And, thank you so much for your sweet words last week, I truly appreciate it. I'm happy to report that things are going very well right now. :)
Love this post, your pictures, and your words that stir my heart. I've heard about finding a place in your home for your change before, but your post encouraged me to create that place today.
So glad you linked up at Jen's today!
Am going to get a jar and fill it with coins -- what an amazing testimony for my girls -- every penny can matter. Every penny can count when it is spent on something worthwhile.
Very sweet! What a wonderful thing to teach your children.
Such a beautiful post and a special thing to teach others....every single penny can often we forget that.
Now I am off to find my own jar. :o) This is wonderful inspiration.
great lesson, great goal! I think that jar that we have going is going to be put to use in the same manner. Thanks!
Thanks for visiting our blog. I am now following you and look forward to coming back.
God bless you!
Mrs. A
tiffni--first, so glad you found soli deo gloria sisterhood (you said through me?) makes me smile:):):)
Also, so, so love this...there are so many things that change can add up too...we have a jug at our home church for change that goes to Africa--for medical supplies ( I think ) is great and we all need to do it!
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